Tim Hortons Field — Stadium in Hamilton

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Tim Hortons Field

Stadium at 64 Melrose Ave N, Hamilton, ON L8L 8C1, Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, L8L 8C1 . Here you will find detailed information about Tim Hortons Field: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


64 Melrose Ave N, Hamilton, ON L8L 8C1, Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, L8L 8C1
L8L 8C1

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About Tim Hortons Field

Tim Hortons Field is a UK Stadium based in Hamilton, Ontario. Tim Hortons Field is located at 64 Melrose Ave N, Hamilton, ON L8L 8C1, Canada,

Please contact Tim Hortons Field using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Tim Hortons Field opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Tim Hortons Field

  • Willow
    Added 2016.08.16
    Great atmosphere, lots of food options in multiple locations so no matter where your seats are, there are options. Good selection of drinks too! Beer wine and ciders at prices you would expect from a sports stadium. Before tiger cat games there are tailgates which alow you to bring your own alcoholic drinks and food, which is an amazing experience. 20$ to park in the tailgate and you can leave your car over night if you need. I think they look the gates around 1pm or so on the parking. you might need to purchase tickets before hand too
  • Jayden
    Added 2016.04.18
    I've been here twice for Riders games 'go green' once sitting in the lower rows which was nice and once in box seats where you get a pretty solid food experience. If your a vegetarian eat before you go but I'd say that goes for most stadiums. Very clean visually solid place.
  • Dominic
    Added 2015.09.21
    This place could have been built so much better. It was built on the same land as the old Ivor Wynne in a lousy neighborhood. The stadium looks like it hasn't been finished yet. There is a smoking area that you have to walk through to get to the seats we had, so overall not a great place to watch football.
  • Sophie
    Added 2015.04.02
    Tim Hortons field is the home of the tiger cats a great CFL team. They also do concerts at the stadium. If your ever visiting try to go to a game you will have loads of fun.
  • Kennedy
    Added 2013.11.27
    Had a horrible experience. I am a disabled man in a power chair with a service dog. I went to my first football game this last season with a foundation that i volunteer with. It was amazing that they asked us on to the field to help with oh Canada. It was great that they loved my service dog.... It was cool that they told me about how my power chair could move on the field so it didn't distroy their very expensive fake grass.... But when they decided to not tell me about the tons of fireworks going off around 50 feet way from us.... It distroyed almost 2 years of training for my very expensive service dog. My service dog was not trained for war zone work..... She was trained for depression, medicine reminder, and mobility assistance. Thanks to Tim Horton field not telling me or announce that there was going to be fire works(it is city by law that they must). There was a family with us that had autism children that had to leave but my very expensive service dog was damaged to the point where she couldn't even go out side for over 2 weeks because every loud sound scared the hell out of her. After trying to work with the stadium and the club nothing has been done. But me out another 10,000- 20,000 bucks. Thanks for not obeying the by law for pyrotechnics and making my life a living hell. So FAIR WARNING TO ALL WITH SERVICE ANIMALS MAKE SURE YOUR ANIMALS ARE TRAINED FOR WAR ZONE WORK BEFORE COMING HERE. BECAUSE THE NICE TRIP COST ME MORE THEN THE FREE TICKET TO THE SEAT I COULDN'T EVEN SIT IN.
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