McMaster University — University in Hamilton

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McMaster University

University at 1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L8 . Here you will find detailed information about McMaster University: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 6 reviews


1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L8
L8S 4L8

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About McMaster University

McMaster University is a UK University based in Hamilton, Ontario. McMaster University is located at 1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada,

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Reviews of McMaster University

  • Everett
    Added 2015.07.16
    One of the best universities for higher education in Canada . Be it art science or engineering... math or medicine.. with a lot of fun and enjoyment.. this place is could make you feel like heaven
  • Nova
    Added 2014.09.16
    Very nicw facility people super helpful
  • Brielle
    Added 2014.01.14
    Great school for engineering programs with good professors who knows their stuff relating to the program and their topics. Great environment, clean school and many buildings to travel around, see new things and meet new people.
  • Sarah
    Added 2013.12.18
    This University used to be a first class instituition. Now they seem to stand for and support whichever demographic is paying them their enrollment fees regardless of its' views or social agenda. However the failing is not taking these students' money, but rather how Mac turns a blind eye to the anti-semitism and anti-Canadian beliefs that these students express and preach. It's pervading the hallways via their "Student Clubs" and "Student Activist Groups", through posters and commons demonstrations - which sends the message that its ok to publicly hate and discriminate against faiths other than Muslim faith. These "clubs" are also supported by Mac with each one given some start up money by Mac itself. This burns my very soul and is no way a Canadian way of thinking. It these students; parents or the students themselves, which immigrated here and DO NOT share or adopt our way of living in peace and Canadian values, why stay? Most of these student "activitist" havent event returned "home" but their strong association to it is scary, after all their parents moved here for a reason, to get away from the problems and violence that they now want to promote and spread thru the Mac student body and make ok in Canadian culture. This is not right and its not ok. I cant help but feel saddend at how much has changed at Mcmaster. :( Both Students and Staff are being censored if we speak up, we are told its not PC to stand up against a majority student body even though it has been corrupted by terrorist ideals. We are being called islamaphobic to voice our opionions when we dont like what we see happening. McMaster needs to stop supporting these "activist groups" and their misled ignorant students. After all, where do you think the next terrorist groups and Jihadists start? That's right, right here, in our own Country. Stand up and make your voice heard. Its not Canadian to allow students to preach and promote hate. So ask yourself why is the University and Liberal government allowing this? The reason is... because they too are afraid of speaking up and speaking the truth, afraid of being called islmaphobic or discriminatory...and yet this is exactly what they are allowing. Why don't Canadian rights matter anymore? Why are average Canadians made to feel ashamed to speak up about what concerns them? Why are we sitting in silence while our country is being overrun and destroyed by invading political, terrorist and religious idealogies? Mcmaster how can you support this??? Very sad indeed.
  • Kinsley
    Added 2013.06.27
    Good learning environment for engineering, however does not fully prepare students for life after university. 'How to succeed after university' workshops are optional thru Oscarplus, they should be mandatory. A degree does not guarantee success; it is 100% up to the graduate to make their own success happen after university with diligent work habits and fostering growth through adversity
  • Sophie
    Added 2013.06.09
    I would recommend this school for engineering technology program, even though it's not easy and independent work is required, but at the end you could learn a lot and leading to big success.
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